Thank you for messaging us. We are happy that you are interested in our [product/service].
Its current price is [price].
You can find more information about the [product/service] on our website. Just click this link [link], and it will redirect you to a dedicated landing page with the [product/service] description, price, and shipping information.
Happy shopping!
the [company] social media team
P.S. If you are interested in an installment plan, please follow this link [link]
My name is [rep’s name], and I’m happy to answer all your questions.
First, I want to inform you that the [product/service] you are interested in costs [price]. Here’s a dedicated [product/service] page [link], where you can learn more about it and place an order.
What’s more, we have a special offer for online buyers – if you purchase [product/service] by the end of [today/weekend/week], you will get a 20% discount off your next purchase with us.
Just follow this link [link].
If you are interested in other products from the same category or want to compare prices, we can create a bespoke offer for you. Just let me know by answering this message.
[rep’s name] from the [company] customer service team
Thank you for your interest in [product/service].
You are lucky, because [yesterday/two days ago/last week] marked the start of our annual discount season, and the [product/service] is now available at a lower price of [price].
Follow this link to learn more about it and place your order.
[rep’s name]
Thanks for reaching out, [name].
It’s great that you are asking about the price of [product/service] because our seasonal sale starts [tomorrow/in two weeks/early next week].
Now [product/service] costs [price], but it’s likely that its price will drop considerably as we’re planning to offer a range of 30-70% discounts.
If you are willing to wait just a few days, you may save a few bucks. If not, you can obviously place your order today, and we’ll be happy to deliver it within the next [two/three/four] working days.
Enjoy shopping!
[rep’s name] from the [company] customer service team
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