Thank you for your interest in improving our [product/service]. It’s great to see how engaged our clients are!
Please describe your request in detail. Try to answer the following questions:
Question 1 related to an integration
Question 2 related to an integration
Question 3 related to an integration
Tell us why this integration is important for you:
Choose an element of [product/service] that will, in your opinion, work more efficiently after this integration is introduced:
[Drop-down list]
If you have any other suggestions or ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to our [name of the team responsible for handling this kind of request] Team. Drop us a line at [email address], start a live chat conversation, or call us at [phone number].
Click here to submit your request: [Button] Submit
Type of integration: [list of types of integrations]
Which tools should this integration work with? [list of the most common tools like Jira, Dropbox, SharePoint, Zoom, SurveyMonkey, Google Drive, etc.]
If you haven’t found a tool or piece of software you want us to integrate [product/service] with, please provide us with its name below and paste a link to that solution’s website:
How long can you wait for this integration?
In case we have any questions, what’s your preferred communication channel? [Email/Phone/Social media/etc.]
[Button] Click here to submit the request
[After the request is submitted]
Thank you for submitting your request! You can check the status of your request by going to [name of the dedicated tab, e.g., the Integrations tab] in your Administrator dashboard.
Which solution would you like us to integrate [product/service] with? [A list of solutions or a field for a short text]
Why is this integration important for you?
What’s the priority of this integration? [low/medium/high/critical]
Useful link: Check out a list of [product/service’s] existing integrations
[Button] Click here to submit your request
[After the request is submitted]
Thank you for your submission! We will contact you as quickly as possible to discuss the details of your request.
[name of the responsible team] Team at [company]
{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What’s the ideal length of an integration request template?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “An integration request template should be short, precise, and cover all the important questions that developers need answered. An integration request template should enable your customers to explain their requests extensively and, when necessary, describe technical aspects of the integration.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Should I answer every integration request?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The short answer is yes. You should answer every integration request. Even if you know your company will not address it in the nearest future, or even if a certain integration is impossible to implement, you should answer the request.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What’s the best approach to integration requests submitted by customers?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “No matter what kind of product or service you offer, whether it’s a simple app or a complex and robust piece of software, you should try to provide your users with as many integrations as possible. That’s why you need to enable your community to submit integration requests and do your best to meet their expectations.” } }] }Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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