Resetting your password is easy.
Just press the button below and follow the instructions. We’ll have you up and running in no time.
If you did not make this request then please ignore this email.
Use your secret code!
Click on the button below and enter the secret code above.
If you did not forget your password, you can ignore this email.
There was a request to change your password!
If you did not make this request then please ignore this email.
Otherwise, please click this link to change your password: [link]
Reset my password [link]
If you did not forget your password, please disregard this email.
Hello [name],
Somebody requested a new password for the [customer portal] account associated with [email].
No changes have been made to your account yet.
You can reset your password by clicking the link below:
If you did not request a new password, please let us know immediately by replying to this email.
The [company] team
You recently requested to reset the password for your [customer portal] account. Click the button below to proceed.
If you did not request a password reset, please ignore this email or reply to let us know. This password reset link is only valid for the next 30 minutes.
Thanks, the [customer portal] team
If you did not request a password change, please feel free to ignore this message.
If you have any comments or questions don’t hesitate to reach us at [email to customer portal support team]
Please feel free to respond to this email. It was sent from a monitored email address, and we would love to hear from you.
Someone requested a new password for your [customer portal] account.
If you didn’t make this request, then you can ignore this email 🙂
Ready to put our password reset email templates to use?
LiveAgent is the most reviewed and #1 rated ticketing software for small to medium-sized businesses. Try automating password reset emails today with our free 30-day trial. No credit card required.
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